I hope that everyone is having a fabulous October so far. It has gotten drastically colder and more fall-like in the nation's capital in the past week, so now I'm trying to accept the idea that summer is gone and fall is finally here. Don't get me wrong, I really don't mind fall but being as naturally cold as I am, I am definitely partial to warmer temperatures. However, I am so excited that now I can wear my boots!! I have far too many pairs of boots and they are my favorite article of clothing to wear. I hate putting them away during the warmer months in favor of much more generic, flimsy, and boring sandals and flip-flops. They look cute, they're comfortable, and they keep me warm in the brisk fall and winter air.

Speaking of fall, the chilly air always makes me incredibly excited for Halloween!!! I have been spending the past few days figuring out my costume (Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff) so I won't be finishing last minute this year. Not only do I love dressing up, the whole atmosphere of mystery and darkness both intrigues and terrifies me. But because of the intrigue, I agreed to join my friends on a trip last Thursday to Old Town Alexandria (Virginia) to go on a ghost tour around this historic town. We got the tickets free through the Office of Campus Activities at school and then rode about a half hour in a school bus to the historic district.
Gadsby's Tavern: Where the ghosts come out to party |
I had no idea what to expect when I got off the bus. I didn't know if it was some sort of Halloween-esque reenactment or similar to this baseball stadium-turned-haunted asylum that I went to a few years ago. When we got off the bus, we waited for a bit in the town square until tour guides carrying candle-lit lanterns and dressed in period clothing divided us into smaller groups for the tour.
My group's tour guide was a very sweet woman who was very animated as she took us around the town and told us stories about why which ghost was appeared to be haunting each area. I won't elaborate much more, as not to ruin the surprise for anyone else, but it was a fun tour. My favorite ghost that we learned about was The Female Stranger who had one of the most interesting back stories and a recent "sighting" over the summer.
Treats from La Madeleine |
After the tour, my friend Laura and I found a cute little French bakery/cafe where she got coffee and I got tea and a parfait. I really loved both the tea and pastry, as well as the recording in the restroom that tried to teach me how to count in French; I found that to be hilarious
All in all, the trip to Old Town was a lot of fun and really helped me to de-stress from a week of school and injuries and midterms. It's a beautiful little town and I cannot wait to go back someday soon!! Enjoy all the pictures and have a great weekend!!
Touring a graveyard is pretty eerie... |
Love, Leaza
P.S. How about them Nationals??? Go Nats!!
George Washington approves this message ;) |
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