"The function of music is to release us from the tyranny of conscious thought."
This sentiment really hits me. When I listen to music, I am taken on a journey that can be likened to the other-worldly adventure that one has while reading a book. I dance in the notes, I take in every lyric as a piece of poetry, and I am amazed at its eclecticness and universality. I adore everything about music.
Because I love music so much (I mean, I do study it), I tend to listen to it pretty often. I have spent hours combing YouTube or Spotify listening to the most obscure and unique musical cast album that I can find and digging up vintage tracks made by my favorite artists (no shame). I have worn out many a set of earbuds listening to the myriad of playlists that eat up my poor Droid Razr M's memory and slow it down. I have lost sets of earbuds, broken sets of earbuds earbuds, and demolished sets of earbuds all in the name of listening to my music.
I was so sick of my toxic relationship with earbuds, that I asked for a pair of old school headphones for Christmas. I didn't get them. So the next day, I went on Amazon to scout out their headphone selection. I found the following pair near the top of my search:
They were simple, sleek, and to the point. I wasn't a fan of the bright red color, but the $8 price tag (and Prime shipping option) won me over (remember, I'm a poor college student). Ever since they arrived, they've exceeded my expectations in every way except aesthetically. Naturally, this called for a DIY facelift.
This project was absolutely simple. To redesign the cheesy red plastic, I grabbed a tube of white Tulip Brand 3D paint and went to work, freehandedly painting whatever the spirit moved me to paint (mostly just simple symbols like dots and squiggles that I knew I could paint well/easily fix whatever mistakes I made (aka musical symbols)). Here is the finished product:
Other options for making headphones over include wallpapering them with stickers (and then sealing with a neat coat of Modge Podge), stenciling words or designs on with paint or Sharpie, covering them completely with Washi tape... the possibilities are endless. I'm pretty darn happy with my improved headphones though and I'm excited to start jammin' with this unique (and hopefully less destructible) pair!
I hope that your 2014 has been going swimmingly thus far!
Until next time. <3
Love, Leaza
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